The app uses paint to allow the user to create 3D objects on right click according to colors they pick. The app displays how much of red, blue and green the user has used with a new button with text that changes with how much color you use. Adding on, this app along with randomized scale from project 1 has randomized rotation as well. The drop down menu allows the user to choose a color if they wish instead of the sliders and the button “Apply”, applies the color to the 3D objects created on right click. The 3D objects in this project are cylinders. Finally, the new feature on this app for project 2 is the display of time, the current date and the current time with fractions of time with seconds. With the use of Time.time, DateTime.Now and DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, these displays are shown in the console once the game starts. These features, while taught in class, are different from the ones in the instructor’s project because I'm using cylinder 3D objects and painting with random scale and rotation. I have also used an Apply button and a dropdown alongside the sliders and the buttons with color scales, some of which were not used anymore in the class and were incorporated in the online lectures but with paint objects.
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